My Chinese New Year one year ago...
Got to deco at home...
After reunion dinner on sa-chap-meh (lunar 30th day before CNY), got to bring my little little relatives go play and see fireworks...
Got to hang around with family and friends in Kuching to feel and enjoy the homey CNY feel...
And got the see my 2 lovely babies dozed off after a tiring day of house visiting...
My 2008 Chinese New Year... 
Just a buffet dinner with some colleagues...
Then a lazy day in office on chu-yi (Day one of CNY)...
With almost non-existance CNY atmosphere at all in Vientiane...
And, guess what? I even almost forgotten it's CNY last night that I keep on saying sienz "dye" me and tired "dye" me after whole day of doing nothing in the office...
Geez....what a life... or... no life??!?
Haiz...Maybe treat myself a good good meal tonight...

But then again... it's kinda kolien de to eat alone.
Haha....see how la. But for sure, my monkey will be there to accompany my physically...And, my piggy will be there to accompany me mentally and emotionally.

Alone? Maybe. Lonely, sure will not.Lolz...Walao eh, me continuous de blog for 3 days liao.....wakaka.Anyway, Happy Chinese New Year Chu Er.CheeRz ~(,")