Can't find any celebration here other the one and only church just right outside my place. But i didn't join the function there.
I was at home. Pity me even had to turn on the motion box to the Australian channel for the Chapel event with choirs singing Christmas songs to feel the Christmas atmosphere.
Then... 31 December 2007.

I countdown with me and myself on 2008 New Year Eve.
It's pretty quiet in Vientiane on New Year Eve.
But it wasn't that bad at all. I went to Joma, had a simple pizza meal there with a strawberry shake.
And tabao two more slices back. Which one ended up as my supper that night.
Did I forgot to say, they are 50% off after 8pm? Hahaha...yes, they are and damn cheap.
Only 9,000kip (RM3.30) per slice. And they taste not bad at all.
Happy New Year, Happy 2008.....well, ok, it's a super-belated greeting anyway.
There on first day of 2008, I cooked myself a nice plate of spicy spaghetti for lunch.
In case you're wondering what's that yucky drink I made...
Yeah..I know. It looks gross. Apa la also donno.
Anyway, it's my rich cream be exact, ice cream latte...hehe.
It looks horrible like a puke, but the taste I tell you oh....not bad de le...haha.
Oh well...Celebrating my first ever oversea Christmas and New Year still ok de lo.
Now, today already lunar month 12, day 30.
Tomorrow is Chinese New Year already.
And here I am in Laos again, not going back until Chap Goh Mei (lunar day 15).
There's no holiday nor celebration here since Chinese here are just like 2 or 3 few kittens nia.
Sure everyone will ask how I can do that... pity me.
Actually, I already had preparation for not going home for CNY since a couple of months before. So, lets just say, I'm well prepared for it and I'm ok to deal with it, though, sadly.
But hey....CNY here still not that bad la. At least I've got something to accompany me, something to create the CNY atmosphere here.
See, I told you guys it's not that bad ma.
The feng-shui spoiler at least still got its advantage during times like now.
By the way, I got my monkey to accompany me pun.
Isn't he ugly? No no, I Isn't he cool?
Oh well..... I wonder how will I feel tomorrow, so far away from home, from family, from friends first time for CNY.
One thing I'm sure no matter what.....
I may be alone, BUT.... I certainly am not lonely.
Ch3eRz ~(,")
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