I suppose the Mat Rempit supporter and the infamous Keris Waver, need to do some mathematics.At the UMNO General Assembly that year, Education Minister and UMNO Youth Chief Hishamuddin Hussein quoted a local study indicating that at current rates, it would take the Malays "120 years to achieve income parity". He also cited a 2004 statistic indicating that for every RM1 earned by a Malay, a Chinese earned RM1.64 as evidence that the income gap had not been eliminated. The Deputy Youth Chief, Khairy Jamaluddin, proposed increasing the target "quota" if non-Malays continued to allege that the 30% target had been met, as "By any yardstick, the Malays are still left behind"

The population of Malaysia as on February 2007 is 26.6 million consisting of 62% Malays, 24% Chinese, 8% Indians, with other minorities.
So lets take assumption of there are 62 Malays and 24 Chinese as easier for reference.
If he is right about the earning ratio between Malay and Chinese, then it should be showing something like...
62 Malay x RM1.00 = RM62.00
24 Chinese x RM1.64 = RM39.36
As mentioned above.... he's the Education Minister.
If they are to compare by races, heck... income for Chinese are actually less than Malay.
Not to mention our Indian friends some more.
And since there are so many Malay, how come they are not able to earn more than Chinese? There are more job opportunities created for them by NEP wad.
But as I understand, majority of the Malay are not enjoying such benefit at all. Only those minority-"linked" are entitled for them.
Clearly there is something amiss.
But then, I thought Malaysia is for Malaysian regardless race? Why must all these stupid bastards set rules and policies regarding races? Why can't we just go alone and develope as Malaysian rather than based on race?
Racial tension in the country is almost at peak already, especially after the Hindraf issue late last year.
The Malaysian G-People crosses the line too much. They marginized all races' equity and rights while the benefits fall into one "group" of people.
Hope we can see some positive effects after the 8 March 2008 political tsunami.
Disclaimer: Read and understand my blog clearly to the deepest point. It's not meant to create any racial issues nor tension.
(Editted : 14 March 2008, 7:23pm)
Quote of the day:
The integrity of a person is tremendously important.
-Zig Ziglar-
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