Saturday 29 September 2007

Does material bring happiness?

This is one excellent entry from KennySia. This is a heart-warming post and I'm actually touched. His entry has actually linked to what I have in mind for quite some time. There are so many expensive things in the world that everyone wish to have. But the poorer parts of the world may have not even seen or touch one. Some may not even know about the existance of these luxuries. "Being affording" is just a lame excuse. Treat ourselves once in a while in dinners, clothes, gadget, etc. is ok, but why do we have to go for the best and latest, yet expensive almost every month, if not everyday, all the time? Appreciate whatever we have, not the materials we owned that nobody else do. We may be richer than many people, many countries, but lets make our money worth while. Lets be reminded that whatever we have now is more than enough than those who never have. We don't have to go for the latest and the best to make our happy life. Look at Ha, the little country girl in KennySia's blog. She doesn't have anything more than just a torned shelther that provide her comfort and safety. But she's cheerful. Can we be like her? Some of us may say we rather die than to live in that kind of life. If we can stop being materialised for a while, I'm sure everyone can live a happier life. Lets lend a hand to those in need rather than getting more and more luxuries for ourselves. Lets make somebody's day a happy and healthier day rather than just for our own sake. ~CheeRz~ ps. I don't think I've written a good post, but I got tired and am just here to "fa xie" only after meeting so much materialised people... if you are offended by my post, then good. Time to evaluate yourself then.

1 comment:

  1. Kalidasa:

    Listen to the Exhortation of the Dawn!
    Look to this Day!
    For it is Life, the very Life of Life.
    In its brief course lie all the
    Verities and Realities of your Existence.
    The Bliss of Growth,
    The Glory of Action,
    The Splendor of Beauty;
    For Yesterday is but a Dream,
    And To-morrow is only a Vision;
    But To-day well lived makes
    Every Yesterday a Dream of Happiness,
    And every Tomorrow a Vision of Hope.
    Look well therefore to this Day!
    Such is the Salutation of the Dawn!
    Yours is a nice blog.
