Saturday, 19 July 2008

My little hobby...

Two or three years back, I picked up a hobby.

Yes, tarot.

Back then, I studied it on myself. Once a while I would take my friends as my "specimen".

But after coming to Laos, although I do bring the cards here, somehow the hobby seems to have dropped. Maybe I haven't really fully understand all the cards whereas it's nowhere to find any books on this hobby here at all.

Well, I fell in love with it, palmistry, fengshui, etc... is not because I am superstitious, but it's a way for me to fully find out who I am, understand the person in me who I sometimes don't understand at all.

Oh well, I suppose while I'm trying to understand myself, but get to understand other people as well. But, I must afraid to admit that...

Understanding ourselves is harder than to understand one else.

Does anyone agree on what I say?



You have some of every quality necessary for success.
-Zig Ziglar-


  1. Wow...interesting Hobby you have to play with that??Or just a colection..such thing remind me the magic gathering cards.

    I like that quote, understand ourself is harder..I dun have an idea why I live in this world thou..

  2. Didn't kno that U're fans of TAROT... Anyway, when you're free to help me look for it??? I don't mind to be ur specimen... Haha!!!
