Thursday, 24 July 2008

Sued for making personal comment...

So much about free-speech and democracy huh. Making comment on the internet can also kena sued.
"Maximum fine of RM5,000 or up to three years' jail or both under Section 4 (1) of the Sedition Act 1948."
One day when the I-can-read-your-mind machine is invented, even if you think a bit of it may free yourself a paid long-holiday with compliment curry rice for every meals. WTH..
QUOTE OF THE DAY People who have good relationships at home are more effective in the workplace. -Zig Ziglar-


  1. better dun simply post comment to politic blogs...
    i masuk newspaper coz i post comments leh.. = = sweat de

  2. very good blog, congratulations
    regard from Reus Catalonia Europe
    thank you

  3. Blessings:

    Please visit and explore as I expose even more violations of PRETEND FREEDOMS.
    I like to say;"I don't think I know...I just know I'm thinking."
    your humble servant,
    ancient clown

  4. Since when there was democracy in our 'beloved' country?

  5. HI! Visit my blog
    Have a nice day!
